No Time? No Results!
How Busy Professionals Can Finally Make Fitness Work
First off we must ask ourselves, do we truly have no time?
Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. If we wake up at 7am and we work an 8 hour day which most on average probably do. 24-8=16 hours left in the whole day. Let’s add in the amount of time for sleep, and have the high end of sleep(which most people do not get anyway) which is 8 hours. Now we have 8 hours left in the day. Maybe 90 minutes in the morning for getting ready, breakfast, etc. Then let’s add 90 minutes later in the night for dinner and wind down time. Now we are down to 5 hours. Let’s use an example for someone who lives far from their job, maybe 30m. That’s an additional hour for travel. Down to 4 hours. What else do we need time for? Maybe our family, wife, husband, kids, spouse, partner, friends, etc. Let’s say we want to prioritize 3 total hours for family at night. Down to 1 hour! That is 1 hour of working out you can definitely fit into your schedule, as long as it is a priority to you. And think of it this way, if your training program/schedule is set up well, this will only take up 3-4 days max needed in order to see optimal progress with your fitness, health, or weight lifting goals. And in your case if you have less than 1 hour total left after some simple math, you can train 30-45m and still get a solid workout! Workouts can be simple.
Of course this is the perfect scenario and not everyone's situation is like this, but do the math and see if you truly DO NOT have time or if you are just not prioritizing it.
Examples of not prioritizing your time:
Spending too much time watching Netflix at night
Scrolling on Instagram/Facebook/TikTok for hours on end
Maybe there’s a bad habit of drinking in there that takes your time
Going out instead working on yourself
Maybe you struggle to shop at the grocery store effectively and go 3-4x a week instead of 1x on the weekend(get 3 hours of your life back?)
There are so many reasons and ways we could save time throughout the week.
How can I prioritize my time better?
Simple. Here are 5 ways!
If you struggle with endless netflix watching, have you ever thought of watching your favorite shows while doing cardio? Could your time be better utilized by hopping on an elliptical and killing a cardio session while watching Suits, Game of Thrones, Squid Game, etc?
Scrolling is something so addicting now a days, truly just turn off your phone. Or same as above, do it while doing cardio. It is not a productive use of time at all. Delete apps, set timers or schedule times you are NOT supposed to be scrolling to be productive and train during these times.
If alcohol is a vice for you…Maybe seek some outside help and become a part of a group who are familiar with these things. If you have a tried to tone down the drinking in the past but you get 3 days in and back track. Start with small achievable goals, set your new goal to 7 days no drinking and re assess and see how you feel. Then next time make it 14 days, then next time a month and so on. Drinking can be done in moderation, but is it best to stop it completely for a time to achieve a level of discipline to yourself and your health to get in a position where you can enjoy it rather than over indulge?
The simple answer for not going out is getting used to saying NO. The co workers asked you to go out after a big case was finished, the answer is NO. You finished a big project and time to celebrate, say no. You’re a sales professional and to celebrate your co-workers are going out to a buffet to celebrate hitting their quotas, just say NO! If your goals are THAT important to you, think about your health and fitness first!
If you spend so much time in the grocery store a week, ensure your grocery list is situated. Think of meal prepping. This can help ensure you stick to your list and you get everything you need on one BIG grocery run, instead of 3-4 small ones if you forgot something or are someone going with the flow of eating. If time is precious and important, stick to big runs and save yourself 3-4 hours a week.
At the end of the day, we all have the same 24 hours. What we do with our time is up to us! Pay close attention and ask yourself the hard questions, do I have literally 0 time for my own health and fitness? Or… Am I just not prioritizing my time well? Be honest.
What are you willing to give up to live a better way of a life, to feel better each day, to have extra energy… or maybe to even look the way you did when you were in your late teens early 20s? What are you willing to give up so you can be in the best shape and health of your life for those with families and spouses? It is not purely for yourself.
Joey Placious
Personal Trainer
Founder of KangaMovement
P.S. If you have any fitness goals and have been struggling to reach them, I would love to help you! Sign up for a free consultation here: